Eli is being led by a voice, that first led him to his most precious belonging, then told him to go West. His most precious belonging is a book...the bible...in fact the last bible on the face of the planet...and he reads it everyday.
This bible is the stuff of legends, a local War Lord (Gary Oldman), also a survivor of the war, knows of the books power and has been hunting for the last copy for years. The story of the clash between the protector of the book, and the seeker of it's power is a classic confrontation of good versus evil....except this time the good guy is pretty handy with a sword.
This movie is Mad Max meets The Prince of Egypt, and has some intriguing twists especially towards the end, but isn't for the faint hearted with graphic violence not just smattered...but splattered right the way through. The storyline and themes make for some fascinating conversation over a beer afterwards and I would suggest if you like a good action...then you'll love this one.
And as an aside, Mila Kunis (Jackie from That 70s Show) didn't look that bad in the flick either :o)